Advice Chief Column

By Jeff "Chief" Urbaniak
June 23 - 29, 2024

It's time for someone to step up and lead  

Are you observing what’s happening in this country? Do you like it? Are you happy with the leaders around you? National leaders, work leaders, community leaders, school leaders--are they performing up to par? Are you confident in their abilities? 

When I look around, read, and listen, I notice that a few leaders here and there are great, but most are average or not effective at all. It is truly baffling to see some people in leadership positions who have no business being there.

Lee Iacocca, former chairman and CEO of Chrysler, once asked: “Where have all the leaders gone?” And I ask the same question today in calendar year 2024. It is quite clear to me that great leaders are becoming scarce. 

Great (or at least good) leadership is vital to the success and sustainment of any organization, institution, or nation. Without effective leaders at the helm, things break down. Mismanagement of families, schools, institutions, corporations, the government, and the military are sinking this nation and it’s time for people at the grass roots level to step up and start changing things. It’s time for fresh leaders to take their turn at bat. 

In today’s professional organizations, leadership challenges exist around every corner. Unfortunately, most of the leaders currently in place aren’t looking around those corners before they turn. They are failing to anticipate. Their lack of courage, integrity, experience, and wisdom, infused with laziness, corruption, greed, ego, and a propensity for favoritism are causing major leadership failures across every spectrum of society. This has to change.  


It’s time for a new breed of leaders to step up and step in--leaders who are honest, humble, brave, diverse, wise, and not afraid to act on their convictions and do the right thing. Why? Because the issues, problems, opportunities, and people associated with organizations and groups are diverse and complicated. Effective leaders must get going soon because people are tired of the same old song and dance. 

In today’s workforce, compensations should reward the right people for the right things, and opportunities for growth and leadership need to go to the top echelon of outstanding performers who the demonstrate the potential to lead. Anything otherwise and the organization or company is a farce--no matter how prestigious or rich it is. And it’s quite clear many places are a farce. 

And how are leaders at colleges and universities doing? Any political or ideological brainwashing going on there? I’ve had so many frustrated parents tell me how disappointed they are that they paid tens of thousands of dollars on tuition only to have their children come home brainwashed by professors. 

How about the leadership of this nation? Look around and tell me what you see. Really look around. It’s okay if you don’t like what you see despite what you have been told all these years. It’s astonishing to see how many people out there are willing to cut off an arm to make a point about their hand--all because someone else told them it was a good idea. If you were led down a path waving flags, holding up banners, kicking your feet, screaming, and now you are questioning it all, it’s okay. You can change. Many people do, especially when they’ve reached a point of realization that hits them like a ton of bricks.  


America, in general, has become a runaway train on a broken track. Some think the track is just fine, but it really isn’t. Someone better step up and fix the track before the train arrives--and the train is coming ‘round the bend. 

If you live in a bubble and are unaware of all this, you will one day be in for a rude awakening (regardless of your economic status)--and that day may be sooner than later. It’s time to pop the bubble and step out. It’s time to look, listen, and learn. And if you don’t act in accordance with what you have learned, then at least support someone else who does. 

A new breed of leaders must start emerging from this current state of affairs or the current breed will keep us in their hip pocket. And the elite who are pulling the strings behind the scenes would love nothing more than to keep things the way they are with the goal being to one day have most of us in line with our hands out. 

How long do we let this go on for? When have we had enough? Who has what it takes to rise to the leadership challenge to change things? You? Someone you know? Someone else out there? Let me know who it is. 

It’s time for America to get back on track.

~ The End ~

